Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where does the time go? It has been over a month since the last post. Alot has happened so lets start with..........

Lydia is loving preschool. She has lots of fun and is learning quickly. She loves going to her weekly dance class. Let me also mention that she also loves being at home on her two off days from preschool. She gets lotssssssssss of attention, kisses, and snacks:) My little baby is not a baby any longer.

David was born for school. He networks. Yes, I think he may run for office one day. Everyone knows him. He talks to alllllll the teacher/staff, anyone really:) Honestly, he lives for PE class, literacy center, and chasing the girls on the playground. What a life! He is a precious one.

Shendi is doing awesome. Her scoliosis is healing with the brace. She is being thrown up in the air at cheerleading, taking a fall or two, and tumbling endlessly. School is wonderful. The eighth grade seems to agree with her. We are enjoying her dearly.

The marathon is soon, less than a month. My last long run was a 20 mile run. I am hoping to do 24 this week, (to keep up with my sister-in-law, Kathy). She did 24 this past weekend. I am so proud of her! So I am resting up preparing for that:) I will keep you posted this month regularly.... I have missed keeping this blog up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love you all

1 comment:

Jenn and Paul said...

We're so glad to hear that you and your family are doing so well. Training for a marathon?? That's awesome! We're looking forward to seeing you all again soon.