Tuesday, February 17, 2009

back again

Well this feels strange... I havent written on this in awhile. Its been four months and Christmas has come and gone, we have celebrated a new year and now Spring is approaching. My gracious, its almost been a year since my surgery!

Today I went to my Neurosurgeon. I have new symptoms and will be having an MRI in a couple of weeks. Nausea is back. I have been having severe neck and back pain. My face, arms, and hands having been going numb. There is alot of pressure in the back of my head and neck/back. So, here we are again. I was told today by the "Great Dr." that sooner or later I would need another profession. He has said that before. I said, "Amazing.... I can run in a marathon but can't cut a head of hair, without getting sick!" He agreed saying the two involved two totally different muscle groups." My neck is the problem as you probably guessed. Anyhow I feel like I am back at square one;( But........ I still have alot to be thankful for:)

So I will keep you posted. This is my outlet to vent. I will do what I must.


lace1070 said...

So Sorry to hear that you are having pain again but glad you are going in for a MRI to see what the problem is. My suspicion is tethered cord is pulling on your brain stem causing you symptoms ~ sigh ~ keep me posted ~ hugs ~ Lace

Hilary said...

Hi, I have recently found out I have CM. I would love to email about your situation. You can email me at mrshgresham [at] hotmail.com.