Monday, April 28, 2008

hey. okay so today it is raining. i could tell you that even if i couldn't see it. i have alot of pressure today in my noggin. i still feel good though. my spirits are high. tomorrow is my neurosurgeon appt. after that's over i will feel better. lela and i watched 'little house on the prairie' this morning. i just cried and cried. i had forgotten how great that show was. i will have more energy after getting home from the gym today.

i read an interesting phrase on a sign riding by a church this morning. it said 'worry is the darkroom where negatives are made'. isn't that so true? no need to worry. it just gets you down and down and down and down....... who cares anyway? life is short, you've all heard it said. but isn't it? chances are we've all had someone taken from us.... they've gone on. i wonder what they would say to us if they could....... maybe they would say... stay focused. keep your eyes on the mark. the mark being Jesus. it is so easy to get pulled away. there is so much to tempt us, our adversary, satan, calls our names. it is soooo easy to get distracted. remember the road is narrow. lets all help each other along. the only things you can take with you to heaven is other people. you might not go at the same time, but you will eventually be there together. don't just enjoy your boat ride..... look for others in the water you can pull in your boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are people drowning and we need to be ready to help them....

i love you all.
pray for a little special girl named Jasmine....i know your prayers will be heard.

1 comment:

lace1070 said...

Amen Sister ~ There are so many drowning in the waters of life ~ just afraid to reach for the outstretched hand in the boat! I am feeling the low pressure, too. Brain tail doesn't like this low pressure and rain. Hugs to you ~ Lace