Sunday, March 2, 2008



lace1070 said...

Hey ~ I know that head ~ It's Witty's head ~ and she had a pretty extreme version of the decompression/fusion ~ so her new hair dooo is the worst case scenarion ~ check out Katie's head ~ much better!
Hang in there and try to think of the positive ~ Hugs to you ~ Lace

lzwitty said...

Hey. I found your blog from a link on Lacie's "Live, Love, Laugh" blog and was surprised to see a picture of my own head on your site! Just know that hair grows back. If I hadn't had my surgery, I'd have ended up paralyzed. If you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming surgery, please feel free to read through and/or post on my blog I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

my life said...

dont get upset . Nobody else has that big of a scar. Mine was quit small . I just dont know why they open peoples head up so big when you are only dealing with the lower part of your skull . doesnt makes senses. But relax everything will be ok . Take a breath