my journey with the struggles of Chiari Malformation
A friend of mine, Lea Frank's employer donated 250.00 worth of groceries and household items to us today. Lea did all the shopping and brought tons of groceries this afternoon. We have been so blessed these days... We had a nice dinner and sat outsite while the kids messed around in the yard... We had to enjoy our flowers on the porch! Did I mention we have a new flag hanging out front. My friend Fran gave me a flag for Christmas, and it is a huge picture of Jesus with little animals. It is really beautiful out there. Funny today, when the girls were planting the flowers, the flag was blowing like crazy and Lydia, who is 3, Yells Laughing, Wow look at Jesus up there!!! It was hilarious. The kids were very dirty tonight from all the playing outside and pollen everywhere. Nate gave the baths and I actually went for a walk. I know what you're thinking, but I gotta start somewhere. Babysteps. It was a short walk to the stop sign and back, maybe just under 1/2 mile, very slowly, but it felt great!!!!
I know now why God gave me such think hair. I finally understand after all these years. It was for this moment... My hair falls perfectly over the incision. Now if it is a windy day, I might have problems. I did get a fake short ponytail looking thing to wear if I pull my hair back and that works too. As for right now, can't get my left arm up yet, not over my head anyway. I feel like the surgeon tied the back of my head to my back. Very hard to explain. Anyhow. I am just enjoying taking it easy, very easy. Nate goes back to work tomorrow:( So Dad is spending the night with us. I feel like such a baby.... but it will be fun:)
Thanks again for all the support and a Special note to Sue Grimmet for your generous donation. To my girl Melissa and Lea, and there are so many more. You all are the BEST!!!!!
Love Kim